What Not To Put On A Resume "1881-1995; spent my time teaching and going to school for computer science." "Failed bar exam with relatively high grades." "I am a great team player I am." "I am anxious to spread my wings in new directions and soar to new heights." "I am writing to you, as I have written to all fortune 1000 companies every year for the past three years, so solicit employment." "I'm a lean, mean, marketing machine. " "I have lurnt WordPerfect 6.0, computor and spreadsheat progroms." "I never take anything for granite," "Overlooked all areas to ensure an overwhelming success." "Received a plague for 'Salesperson of the Year'" "Shot at the local gun club." "Terminated after saying. 'It would be a blessing to be fired.'" "Very experienced with out-house computers" "Wholly responsible for two failed financial institutions." Qualifications: "I have a current passport." Or, Choose a Joke Category from the Menu. Jump to Job Hunting Joke Number:
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