Laugh along with zany truck drivers, crazy shrinks, sick doctors, clever bartenders, dumb waiters, and ingenious engineers. Check out job hunting jokes, corporate wisdom, office humor, and coffee jokes. Have a revenge chuckle about lawyers, dentists, IRS, police, judges, or that #%$@%! boss. Enjoy! |
One morning a young man at his first job as a waiter in a diner has a large trucker sit down at the counter and order. "Gimme three flat tires and a couple of headlights," said the truck driver. Bewildered the waiter goes to the kitchen and tells the cook, "I think this guy's in the wrong store. Look at what he ordered!" The cook says, "He wants three pancakes and two eggs sunny-side up." The waiter takes a bowl of beans to the trucker. The trucker looks at it and growls, "What's this? I didn't order this!" The young man tells him, "The cook says that while you're waiting for your parts you might as well gas up!" There's the sad story of the poor guy who was in a terrible motorcycle accident. When he came out from under the anesthetic, the doctor was leaning over him anxiously. "Son," he said, "I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that your were in a very serious accident, and I'm afraid we had to amputate both your feet just above the ankle." "Oh NO," gasped the patient. "What's the good news?" "The fellow in the next bed over would like to buy your boots." A truck driver was pulled over by a State Trooper. The patrolman told him to get out of the truck, and noticed that the driver appeared to be putting something in his mouth as he stepped out of the cab. Figuring that the driver was putting away his pep pills, the patrolman asked, "Did I just see you swallow something?" "Yep, that was my birth control pill," said the driver. "Birth control pill?" asked the patrolman. "Yep, when I saw your flashing light, I knew I was screwed!" Or, Choose a Joke Category from the Menu. Jump
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