A carpenter was fixing the roof of a church, when he struck his thumb. "Damn it, I missed!" cries the carpenter. The minister corrects him, saying, "You shouldn't say such a thing in the church." The carpenter continues his work, and soon strikes his thumb again. "Damn it, I missed!" he yells. The minister again corrects the carpenter. The carpenter continues with his work without further comment. Again the carpenter strikes his thumb, and again he yells, "Damn it, I missed!" When the minister corrects him this time, the carpenter asks, "What's going to happpen? A bolt of lightening going to strike me dead?" The minister says, "As a matter of fact, yes it will." When all of a sudden, a bolt of lightening comes through the roof, and strikes the minister dead. A large booming voice is heard saying, "Damn it, I missed!" Or, Choose a Joke Category from the Menu.
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